Level All
You can level up all of your stats screen, not just your stats
Basic Screen, for a new mage, Dragomir Enache:
Name: Dragomir Enache
There are 3 things you can level up here:
- Value of Name: basically, your reputation. Displayed to the user as a change in font, probably
- Display of Name: Gives access to Occupation
- Value of Rank: F– to F- to F to F+ to F++ to D–, etc. Rank affects primarily the amount of points you get on level up, the experience needed to level up, and the judgement of other people regarding your competence at completing tasks.
- Display of Rank: Gives access to the basic Stats breakdown
With each component leveled up once
Name: Dragomir Enache
Occupation: Apprentice Mage
Rank: F-
- Attack: 9
- Defense: 7
- Speed: 8
There are now many more things you can level up:
- Display of Name: Adds biography section
- Value of name: Same
- Display of Occupation: Gives access to Skills
- Value of Occupation: Eventually allows one to change to an advanced class (or classes). May require multiple level up points to get there. In the mean time, just improves the bonuses given by the occupation (e.g. improved speed of raising special attack).
- Display of Rank: Gives access to Experience
- Value of Rank: See above
- "Stats:": Gives access to new stats (e.g. Stamina (HP combined with MP) → (Elemental)Resistances → Luck)
- Display of Attack: Splits into Physical Attack and Magical Attack
- Value of Attack: Improves the overall attack score, with distribution between sub-components (physical vs magical) determined by occupation and luck.
- Display of Attack: Splits into Physical Attack and Magical Attack
Further advancements:
Eventually you will run out of new things you can see about yourself. At that point, further leveling up will allow you to see other people's information (not necessarily at the end – perhaps you can see other's basic stats before you can see your own luck, or perhaps seeing your own luck has a random chance of happening within each level up of the stats column, as being able to adjust that is a potentially very powerful ability).
E.g. The next Display of Occupation:
- Display of Occupation: Can now see other's occupation